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Comments on: [One-Minute Makeover] Algebra 1 • Topic 3 Assessment Better through reflection Mon, 13 Sep 2021 11:29:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: mrdardy Thu, 23 Jan 2014 11:11:26 +0000 I think that your version in the reply is a step forward. I wonder whether they could handle something like:
Equations of the form ax + b = c involve both multiplication and addition. Solving this would require division and subtraction. Please write an equation involving multiplication and addition that has a solution of x = 4.

By: [One-Minute Makeover] Algebra 1 • Topic 4 Assessment | Reason and Wonder Wed, 22 Jan 2014 07:14:02 +0000 […] If you’re just tuning in, consider checking out the first post in the series, or the most recent post. […]

By: Michael Fenton Wed, 22 Jan 2014 03:25:39 +0000 @mrdardy All of the assessments/questions that appear in this series are ones I’ve given to my students. Student performance on that question was mixed. Among those who did poorly, there seemed to be two groups: (1) Those who understood the basic idea of the question but ignored certain specific requirements (e.g., an equation involving addition and multiplication), and (2) Those who clearly didn’t understand what the question was asking.

I wish I could think of a way to write it more clearly. The current form will have to do until I (or someone else, maybe you?) can think of a way to tweak the wording to make it more clear (without giving too much away).

Maybe this:

“The equation 2x+1=7 has a solution of x=3 and involves multiplication and addition.

Please write an equation involving division and subtraction with a solution of x=4.”

What do you think? Improvement, or a step backwards?

By: mrdardy Tue, 21 Jan 2014 04:10:17 +0000 Michael
I really like question 3 but I wonder how many students clearly read those instructions. Have these been field-tested yet? I love the open-ended nature of that question in particular. I also always like the ‘find the error’ questions although I am not very good at writing them.
